The webhook will execute a POST a JSON file to the specified address, or a GET request when no JSON file is found. It will use the shell to "process" the JSON file, so any environment variables included in the text will be transformed.
curl | bash -s $MY_WEBHOOK ./.custom-webhook-message.json
No arguments - Use environment variable WEBHOOK
and .webhook.json
# | Role | Default | Optionality |
1 | webhook address | $WEBHOOK | Optional |
2 | JSON to post | .webhook.json |
Optional |
"attachments": [
"fallback": "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME finished CI job",
"color": "#27ae60",
"author_name": "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME",
"author_link": "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL",
"title": "CI workflow finished",
"text": "Automated operation triggered by *$CIRCLE_USERNAME*",
"mrkdwn_in": ["text"]
"channel": "#team-channel",
"username": "CircleCI",
"icon_emoji": ":robot_face:"